Scripture Union Queensland chaplains, or ‘chappies’, provide care and support to school communities. They are in the prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness, to friendships and mental health.
They provide a listening ear and a caring presence for children and young people in crisis, and those who just need a friend. They also provide support for staff and parents in school communities. Chaplaincy services support with care and emotional needs, positive role modelling, proactive programs in relation to self-esteem and anxiety, one-to-one mentoring, resource support for families, and assisting new families to the school.
Our school Chaplain, Anthony Pulford, is locally known to the students as 'Chappy'. Support for students from chaplaincy services comes through the Student Support Committee by way of referral by the class teacher or member of the leadership team. Parents will then be provided a Chaplaincy Consent form for completion.
Chaplaincy services at Mountain Creek State School include:
- Chappy Chats – regular individual check-ins with students, providing strategies and support, and communicating with teachers and families;
- Chappy Brekkie - weekly breakfast program - every Wednesday – providing all students an opportunity to have a bite to eat and connect with others;
- SHINE Program – a personal development program for girls designed to promote positive self-esteem.
- HONOUR Program - potential enhancement program to give boys a deeper understanding of themselves, how they interact with others and, through a process of action-based learning, to gain a vision for what they can actually achieve;
- Sporting Schools - engaging children in active sessions that are fun, safe and include engaging sport-related games that maximise participation and challenge all children, regardless of their ability level or background;
- Getting to Know You - Relationship building program for Year One;
- Camps and excursions – Supporting student attendance and participation at school camps;
- Resource support – helping to assist families with essential resources, as well as sourcing and coordinating the volunteers that support our programs;
- Student council – actively support the endeavours of the Student Council program.
How can you support the Chaplaincy Service at Mountain Creek State School?
1) Volunteer to support our programs
2) Contribute to our fundraisers
3) Financial assistance or donations for programs
If you would like to know more about Chaplaincy services at Mountain Creek State School, please contact the school on 54 523 444 and ask to speak with our Chaplain.